- The top 27 drivers in points after Race #6 will be eligible for the Triple Bracket Challenge
- Each Bracket is composed of 3 drivers and 3 races. The driver that has the best average finish in their bracket will move onto the next round.
- Round 1 is races 7-9. Round 2 is races 10-12. Round 3 is races 13-15
- Here is how each round and bracket is to be structured:
Round 1
Bracket 1 – 1st in points, 18th in points, 27th in points
Bracket 2 – 2nd in points, 17th in points, 26th in points
Bracket 3 – 3rd in points, 16th in points, 25th in points
Bracket 4 – 4th in points, 15th in points, 24th in points
Bracket 5 – 5th in points, 14th in points, 23rd in points
Bracket 6 – 6th in points, 13th in points, 22nd in points
Bracket 7 – 7th in points, 12th in points, 21st in points
Bracket 8 – 8th in points, 11th in points, 20th in points
Bracket 9 – 9th in points, 10th in points, 19th in points
Round 2
Bracket 1 – Winners from brackets 1, 6 & 9
Bracket 2 – Winners from brackets 2, 5 & 8
Bracket 3 – Winners from brackets 3, 4 & 7
Round 3
Final Bracket – Winners from round 2 brackets 1, 2 & 3
If you cause an incident that damages a driver in your bracket, you automatically forfeit that round. So you will have to go all 3 races without causing a wreck that could potentially damage another bracket competitor.
If you do not make a race in the bracket, and did not request a provisional, you will be given last place for the race (only in the bracket challenge)
If there is a tie for best average finish for a round, the following will decide who moves on to the next round:
1. Most wins in the round
2. Best finish across all 3 races in the round
3. Best finish in final race of the round
Link to theĀ Triple Bracket Challenge