Top 20 Drivers in Points Following Race #5
- Lowest finishing 2 drivers in each event (Race #6 – Race #14) will be Eliminated until 2 drivers remain
- The previous week’s winner is exempt from being Eliminated the following race
- In the event the previous week’s winner is in bottom 2, the next lowest driver will be Eliminated
- The final 2 drivers will compete against each other in the finale. Highest finisher is Champion.
- Provisionals WILL count towards the Eliminator Series for drivers not already eliminated
Points Position Race #5 | Driver Name | Race Number Eliminated | Final Elminator Ranking |
1 | Sean Prime | Race #12 | 8th |
2 | Josh Metallic | Race #11 | 9th |
3 | Jeremy Jeffries | n/a | 1st |
4 | Jeff Czupta | Race #14 | 3rd |
5 | Brian Schilling | Race #9 | 13th |
6 | Ron Hagolin | Race #12 | 7th |
7 | Ronald Lussier | Race #15 | 2nd |
8 | Zach Rogers | Race #9 | 14th |
9 | Bob Dixon | Race #13 | 6th |
10 | Dave Melson | Race #11 | 10th |
11 | Seth Cole | Race #7 | 17th |
12 | Grant Wessley | Race #6 | 19th |
13 | Bobby Farrell | Race #10 | 11th |
14 | Andre Charest | Race #7 | 18th |
15 | Glenn Harris | Race #13 | 5th |
16 | Collin Flick | Race #8 | 15th |
17 | Bob Lachance | Race #14 | 4th |
18 | Jeffrey Elliott | Race #10 | 12th |
19 | Frank Rivard | Race #8 | 16th |
20 | Rodney Sullins | Race #6 | 20th |
Drivers Eliminated After Race #6 – Grant Wessley, Rodney Sullins
Drivers Eliminated After Race #7 – Seth Cole, Andre Charest
Drivers Eliminated After Race #8 – Frank Rivard, Collin Flick
Drivers Eliminated After Race #9 – Brian Schilling, Zach Rogers
Drivers Eliminated After Race #10 – Bobby Farrell, Jeffrey Elliott
Drivers Eliminated After Race #11 – Josh Metallic, Dave Melson
Drivers Eliminated After Race #12 – Ron Hagolin, Sean Prime
Drivers Eliminated After Race #13 – Glenn Harris, Bob Dixon
Drivers Eliminated After Race #14 – Jeff Czupta, Bob Lachance
Driver Eliminated After Race #15 – Ronald Lussier